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Regular Meeting of July 10, 2013 at 7:30 pm
Council Chambers, Municipal Center,
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
These Minutes are Subject to Approval by the Inland Wetlands Commission

Present: Pat Boily, John Davin, Anne Peters and Sharon Salling. Absent: Mary Curran and Kristen Hammar.
Staff Present: Steve Maguire, Land Use Enforcement Officer and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Ms. Peters convened the meeting at 7:30 pm.


IW #08-24 Ext.  1 Evergreen Road, Deborah Aubin.  Application for the extension of an existing permit.  

Daniel Butz, 1 Evergreen Road, was present to request an extension for an existing permit.  He explained that most of the work has been completed except for the plantings and that there are no erosion issues.  After discussion, Mr. Davin motioned to approve the extension to existing permit IW #08-24 for a period of five years.  Ms. Salling seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

IW #13-21  141-147 Poverty Hollow Rd, Abigail Kende.  Application for work completed within a regulated area.  

Ms. Kende was present.  Mr. Maguire and the commissioners discussed the NRCS assessment which recommends leaving the pond as is and enhancing the environment with invasives removal, plantings, and wildlife management (habitat structures).  Ms. Peters asked for more detailed plans to implement the mitigation.  Mr. Maguire stated that the lower pond was not addressed in the NRCS Assessment. Ms. Kende was asked that an assessment and plan for the small pond be completed as well.  The applicant requested an extension of 30 days.

IW #13-22 160 Sugar Street, Thomas Kaelin, Esq. for Russo Farms.  Application to correct a violation for disturbance within a regulated area.  This item was tabled at the request of the applicant.  

IW #13-24 17 Poverty Hollow Road, Michael Tadros.  Application to correct a violation for disturbance within a regulated area.  

Mr. Tadros was present and discussed updated plans.  The commissioners discussed the importance of having substantial wetlands vegetation around the pond, recommending at least a five foot buffer that may include pathways to the pond’s edge.  Mr. Maguire suggested the inlet area be armored on the bottom and that a plunge pool be included.  Mr. Tadros will return with modifications.  

IW #13-25  6 Washington Avenue, Sandy Hook, LLC.  Application for the renovation of an existing building and addition of two new buildings within a regulated area.

Alan Shepard, PE, reviewed plans to renovate the existing duplex home into offices and removing the existing garage and building a separate office space.  The foundation of the garage will be left for stability with a slab poured in and around to create a new foundation.  The total impervious coverage would be approximately 17,000 sf.  Ms. Peters discussed pervious pavers for a portion of the parking lot, patio and walkways.  Ms. Salling asked about the size of the parking lot.  Mr. Shepard said they are proposing 27 parking spaces.  He will work on modifications to include some pervious areas and a planting plan.  

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ms. Salling motioned to approve the minutes of June 12, 2013.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Boily.  Mr. Davin abstained.  The minutes were approved as written.

    IW #13-26 157 Brushy Hill Rd, Mark & Gail Olson.  Application to construct a driveway across wetlands.
    IW #13-27 25 Parmalee Hill Rd, Todd Gray Landscaping.  Application to dredge a pond.

CEASE & DESIST HEARING – Bill and Katja Pieragostini, 9 & 11 Point o’ Rocks Road.  Cease and Desist hearing related to a Forestry Violation.  Ms. Peters suggested the commission enter into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation.  Ms. Salling motioned to enter into Executive Session at 9:00 pm.  Mr. Boily seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.  

ADJOURNMENT Mr. Davin motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:46 pm.  Ms. Salling seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen